The English Tenses Exercise Book

The English Tenses. Exercise Book. Improve your grammar skills with 161 focused exercises.

The English Tenses

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The English Tenses Exercise Book

The English Tenses Exercise Book drills a solid understanding of the past, present and future in simple, continuous and perfect forms. With thousands of examples of each tense, practising both form and use, this is a perfect companion to reference books and language classes.

Each tense is tested separately to help you perfect them, before being brought together in mixed tense exercises that compare and contrast use. Exercises include individual gap-fill sentences, scrambled sentences, reading for information, usage analysis, and error correction, as well as longer prose exercises that demonstrate grammar in use. You’ll find educational articles, short stories and even a recipe for homemade bread!

This wealth of practice will strengthen your understanding and your confidence, while also providing entertainment thanks to the author’s uniquely engaging style. Written by Phil Williams, author of the bestselling reference book, The English Tenses Practical Grammar Guide, this exercise book is a must-have for any student of English.

The exercises in this book primarily concern verb forms, asking you to choose and correctly form the appropriate tense for each sentence.
Sentences are either presented in isolated lists or in prose format. Instructions are given for each exercise as to the tense or tenses being tested, usually indicated in bold .

These exercises usually provide a space for you to fill in the correct tense. The information in brackets lets you know which verb to use and whether any additional words are necessary, such as a subject or adverbs. The spaces are standard sizes depending on the exercise and do not specifically indicate how long the answer should be.

The book is organised into two main sections, Tense Forms and Tenses in Use . These are divided into groups covering the past , present and future tenses, and each also contains mixed tense exercises. Within each grouping, you will find more basic list exercises and more complex prose exercises for comparative use. You may complete the exercises in any order you choose, but be aware that the book becomes more complex as it builds to more comparative use at the end of each section, particularly with the mixed tenses exercises. To present more natural use, there are occasional passive or modal examples to demonstrate wider contexts of the tenses.

An additional section, Infinitives and Participles, is included at the back to specifically drill understanding of the verb forms that help complete the more complicated tenses.

You can complete these exercises mentally, but I recommend writing your answers on a piece of paper or in a notebook so that you can check them against the answers. The links at the bottom of each exercise will take you directly to the answers for that exercise, where you will also find links to go back to the exercise. A full list of exercises can be found at the back, if you wish to quickly find a particular topic.

The answers usually demonstrate complete correct sentences. Corrected sentences are shown in italics , occasional highlighted form changes are
shown in bold and additional information is given in (brackets).




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