Time Clauses and Adverbial Time clauses. English ESL Worksheets. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF
Time Clauses and Adverbial Time Clauses

Time Clauses and Adverbial Time Clauses
Adverbial time clauses are used to show when something happens.
They use conjunctions like when, before, after, as, by the time, while, until, as soon as, until, till, since, no sooner than, as long as…
When the sun sets
Before the first lesson begins
After my teacher arrives

Time Clauses
Fill in using the following conjunctions
When before after until as soon as since
- __________I saw that movie, I have fallen in love with the main actor.
- She waited for him________ midnight but then she decided to go back home.
- Remember to make your bed__________ you go to school!
- Please, send me a fax____________ you can! It is really urgent!
- Roger was really angry and_________ smashing all the objects he found in the room left, he left, slamming the door behind him.
- __________I was a child all the tourists I met at the seaside thought I was not Italian.
Match sentences from column A to B
- 1) I will send my apologies a) until he was 20
- 2) The burglar escaped b ) after she gets the money she’s won
- 3) Brush your teeth c) since I got that terrible cold
- 4) Brian was not allowed to go to the disco d) as soon as I can
- 5) She will travel around the world e) when we arrived home
- 6) I have been in bed for a week f) before going to bed!
Underline the adverbial time clause:
e.g. Try to put up with it as long as possible.
- He changed his mind when he saw the state the car was in.
- Stay here as long as you like.
- After you get home, you should check your e-mail.
- They stayed near the coop until the last chicken had left.
- I saw her face contorted in anger and despair as I boarded the plane.
- Her ears have been growing since she got up this morning.
- Once you’ve seen one chicken, you’ve seen them all!
- After she got married, her ears started to grow.
- Once signed, the contract is for life.
- After the marriage, she swore that she would never drink coffee again.
Choose the correct conjunction ( when, after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, by the time, directly, during the time, immediately) to introduce the adverbial clauses in the following sentences. Some may be applicable more than once:
e.g. Curly had left by the time we arrived.
- He was already dead _____________ the police arrived.
- I’ll honour my word ______________ you keep yours.
- In the event of danger I’ll come __________________ I can.
- The consumption of alcoholic beverage was supposedly suppressed __________ of prohibition.
- The couple drove away happy and content _________ after the wedding ceremony.
- The commercial message started ________ after talk – show was shot live on camera.
- He was buried ________ after his untimely death.
- The party was well under way __________ he arrived.
- He saw his life pass before his eyes _________ he tumbled to his death.
- He knew that he had been set up __________ he entered the room.

Time Clauses and Adverbial Time Clauses – Exercises: eBook and PDF
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