To be supposed to. English grammar with exercises. Free eBook and Free printable PDF. Esl printable Worksheets
To be supposed to

To be supposed to
Definition of be supposed to
1 : to be expected to do something
They are supposed to arrive tomorrow.
She was supposed to be here an hour ago.
The movie was supposed to earn a lot of money at the box office, but it didn’t.
2 : to be intended or expected to be something
The party was supposed to be a surprise.
3 —used to show that one is angry or offended by something
Was that supposed to be funny?
I thought it was quite rude.”Well, you’ve done it again.” “What’s that supposed to mean?”
4 —used to say what someone should do
You are supposed to listen to your parents.
I’m supposed to clean my room before I go outside.
What are we supposed to do in a situation like this?Do what you‘re supposed to.
5 —used to refer to what someone is allowed to do
We were not supposed to leave the room.
Are you supposed to be here after the building has closed?
6 —used to indicate what people say about someone or something
“I heard that she’s good.” “She is supposed to be the best doctor in town.”
That breed of dog is supposed to be good with kids.

To be supposed to
Complete the dialogue using supposed to and one of the verbs below.
Fast Cook Be Come Do Support Obey
David:“Do you know that Muslims are supposed to fast during Ramadan?”
Julie “Yes, I do. I bet you don’t know that Catholics _______________ as well?”
David “When?”
Julie “During Lent or at least on Good Friday.”
David “Talking about fasting makes me hungry. Hey wife! ________________dinner, aren’t you?”
Julie “What?”
David “I’m joking. Where’s Laura? She _____________________home at 19:00.”
Julie “Oh my god! What’s happened to her?”
David “Nothing has happened as far as we know.”
Ding Dong
David “Here she is.”
Liza “I know, I know, I ______________ home at 19:00, but I got stopped for speeding.”
Julie “Liza!”
Liza “I __________________30mph, but I was doing 33mph. I can’t believe I got a fine.”
David “Well you __________________ the law.”
Liza “Thanks a lot dad, you ______________________ me!”

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