TOEFL iBT® Reading Practice Tests. Three Reading Section Practice Tests with Answer Keys.

TOEFL iBT® Reading Practice Tests

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About the Test

The TOEFL iBT test measures academic English skills the way they’re actually used in the classroom, so universities know you’re ready to succeed. The test has 4 sections — Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing — and you’ll perform tasks that combine these 4 skills.

TOEFL iBT® Reading Section
What Is In the Reading Section?

The TOEFL iBT® Reading section is designed to assess how well you can read and understand the kind of materials used in an academic environment. It includes 3 or 4 reading passages, each approximately 700 words long, with 10 questions per passage. You have 54 to 72 minutes to answer all the questions in the section.

Reading passages are excerpts from university-level textbooks that would be used in introductions to a discipline or topic. The passages cover a variety of different subjects. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the topic of a passage. All the information you need to answer the questions will be included in the passage. There is a glossary feature available to define words not commonly used, if you need it.

Extra Questions

The test you take may include extra questions in the Reading or Listening sections that don’t count toward your score. These questions help ETS to:

  • make test scores comparable across administrations
  • determine how such questions function under actual testing conditions


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