Two Sharks – English Effective Communication. English ESL Worksheets to improve reading and develop strong language and Speaking skills.

Two Sharks- English Effective Communication

Two Sharks – English Effective Communication


Divide the class into pairs. Give each student a copy of either the A or B reading sheets. The students read the short articles silently by themselves and use a dictionary or consult the teacher if they don’t understand a word or phrase. After the students have read and understood the articles, the teacher takes the articles away. Then student A will communicate what was in A’s article to student B, and student B will communicate what was in B’s article to A. Then all of the students take a test to see how much information they were able to communicate.

The Great White Shark 
The great white shark is a ferocious predator. (A predator is an animal that hunts other animals). It has about 3000 teeth. Sometimes its teeth break off and then it grows new teeth.   It has a torpedo shaped body that is white on the belly and grey on the top. Its body is usually 4-5 meters long. The females are larger than males.  Young great white sharks eat fish and other sharks. Adult great white sharks eat seals, sea lions, sea turtles, and small whales. Great whites do not chew their food. They swallow it whole. Great white sharks attack about 40 people every year around the world. But only about 10 people die from the attacks. Usually, the people live.  Great White sharks live in temperate water. (Temperate water is water that is not cold and not hot).  
 The Whale Shark 
The Whale shark is not a whale. It is a fish like all other sharks. It is called a whale shark because it is so big. Although the whale shark is very big, it does not hunt animals. It is a filter feeder. (A filter feeder is an animal that eat very small things in the water like plankton and small shrimp). Whale sharks live in warm water. The whale shark can grow up to 14 meters long. The females are larger than the males.  Whale sharks are harmless. They never attack people. In fact, scuba divers enjoy swimming beside them.  Scientists are not sure but they think Whale sharks can live as long as 150 years old.  The whale shark does not have natural predators, but many humans hunt them. Sharks breed slowly. It takes 30 years before a whale shark can have babies. So if humans catch the sharks too fast, they might become extinct. 

The Great White Shark 
What animal does the article talk about? What is a predator? How many teeth does it have? What happens to its teeth sometimes? What body shape does it have? How big is it? Which is larger? Male or female? What do young sharks eat? What do adult sharks eat? About how many people are attacked by great white sharks every year? Where do great white sharks live?
 The Whale Shark 
What animal does the article talk about? What is a filter feeder? What kind of animal is a whale shark? Why is it called a whale shark? Where do whale sharks live? Which is larger? Male or female? How big are whale sharks? How many people do whale sharks attack every year? What animal hunts whale sharks? How long does a whale shark live before it can have babies? What happens if humans catch the sharks too fast?
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