Two Whales – English Effective Communication. English ESL Worksheets to improve reading and develop strong language and Speaking skills.
Two Whales – English Effective Communication

Two Whales – English Effective Communication
Divide the class into pairs. Give each student a copy of either the A or B reading sheets. The students read the short articles silently by themselves and use a dictionary or consult the teacher if they don’t understand a word or phrase. After the students have read and understood the articles, the teacher takes the articles away. Then student A will communicate what was in A’s article to student B, and student B will communicate what was in B’s article to A. Then all of the students take a test to see how much information they were able to communicate.
The Blue Whale Perhaps, you already know that the blue whale is the largest animal on the earth. But did you know that it is the largest animal that has ever lived on the earth. It is even bigger than the dinosaurs. But it is not just the biggest animal on earth. It is also the loudest animal. The blue whales cry can be heard for hundreds of kilometers. It is even louder than a jet airplane. But even though it is big and loud, the blue whale is not a ferocious animal. It is a filter feeder, which means it eats plankton and krill (very small shrimp). Blue Whales breathe through a hole on the top of their body called a blowhole. They can stay underwater for almost an hour. Blue whales live in every ocean of the world. The only predators that blue whales have are killer whales and humans. However, since 1966, humans have stopped hunting blue whales because there are very few left. There are only about 10,000 blue whales left. They are an endangered species. | Killer Whales If you were on a small boat in the ocean and you came across a killer whale, would you be scared. Well, you shouldn’t be. Killer whales don’t attack people. Killer whales are actually not whales. They are large dolphins with teeth. They are also called ‘orca’. Killer whales are very good at hunting. They will hunt various foods such as fish, sharks, birds, seals, squid and even whales. And they are very fast too. They can swim as fast as 50 kilometers per hour. Killer whales are social animals. They live in pods. A pod is a group of whales. They travel in pods and they even cooperate when they hunt. Happily, killer whales are not endangered. There are many killer whales living all over the world. And for countries where killer whales live, the whales are good for tourism for the country. People spend a lot of money to see killer whales in the wild. | |
The Blue Whale What is the article about? What is bigger? Blue whales or dinosaurs? What else is the blue whale the ‘biggest’ at? How far can the blue whale be heard? What is it louder than? Does the blue whale hunt animals? Where do blue whales breathe from? How long can they stay underwater? What predators does the blue whale have? When did humans stop hunting blue whales? About how many whales are left? Where do they live? | Killer Whales What is the article about? Do killer whales kill people? What are killer whales sometimes called? What are killer whales? What do they have in their mouths? What are they good at? Name four things that they eat? How fast can they swim? What is a group of whales called? Do killer whales always hunt by themselves? Where do killer whales live? How can killer whales help a country? |

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