WORDS FROM PICTURES – Spelling and Vocabulary Activity

Spelling and Vocabulary Activity

In the ever-evolving landscape of English as a Second Language (ESL) education, educators are constantly seeking innovative approaches to captivate students’ attention and deepen their understanding of the intricacies of language. One cornerstone of linguistic proficiency lies in the mastery of spelling and vocabulary. In acknowledging the dual significance of these language components, it becomes evident that they not only pave the way for effective communication but also serve as fundamental building blocks for overall language fluency.

In this blog post, let’s dive into a singular, immersive spelling and vocabulary activity that aims to inject vitality into ESL classrooms. Going beyond traditional approaches, we will explore a creative strategy that not only enhances language skills but also infuses an enjoyable element into the learning process. Through a unique combination of word puzzles, interactive games, digital platforms, and collaborative storytelling, this holistic activity is carefully crafted to transform the journey of mastering spelling and expanding vocabulary into a thrilling and fruitful endeavor for both educators and learners alike.



Using magazine pictures, select 5-10 fairly large and detailed pictures, i.e. pictures that show a great number of things. Mark the pictures A, B, C, etc.

  • Divide the class into small groups of 8-10. It might be best to have them turn their desks to make a “table”.
  • Assign each group a picture and put it where it can be easily seen by all group members.
  • Tell each student to write down the names of things beginning with the letter marked on the picture. After a reasonable time limit, assign a leader to supervise the checking of word lists.
  • The student with the longest correct list wins for each group.


This can be played as a group effort, group against group. It can also be repeated by switching the pictures, or by changing the letter for each picture.


Assortment of pictures, paper & pencil


Adapt to the students’ level.

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