Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio - eBook

Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio, answer keys, assessment sheets, writing worksheets, tests (midterms, final, review and Theme tests) – Free eBook and PDF

Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio

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Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio - eBook

Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio

Reading Shelf is a three-level series designed to develop reading skills of high-beginning students of English. It extends students fundamental reading skills while presenting accessible activities to practice listening, speaking, and writing skills in English.

* Thematically paired fiction and non-fiction unit topics 
* Repeated recycling of high-frequency vocabulary
* Comprehension activities that model standardized test questions and note-taking through Five W’s charts
* Pull-out full-color workbook included
* Writing activities focusing on short answers, opinions or experiences, and target grammar.

Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio

How to improve reading skills

You probably know that even in your own language reading is regarded as important because it can be entertaining and educational, can open up new worlds and enrich your life, and can improve hand-eye co-ordination and enhance social skills.

But for learning a foreign language, in this case English, reading in that language has additional important benefits that can help you learn the language faster and more completely.

Reading is an essential skill for language learners. When your reading skills improve, your listening, speaking and writing skills improve too. Here are some of the specific reasons why English learners are encouraged to read in English:

  • The constant repetition of words and patterns in reading helps you learn and remember vocabulary and grammar structures.
  • Reading helps you become familiar with the rhythm of English. Over time it will start to feel natural and you will notice when a sentence or phrase doesn’t seem right.
  • Unlike conversation, reading is something you can do on your own.
  • Reading is not expensive, often free.
  • Good reading skills can improve your other language skills. You need to learn to read before you can write.
  • Reading is the best way to learn and remember the proper spelling of words.
  • Listening as you read aloud can help you improve your pronunciation skills.

If you want to improve your English, learn to love reading in English.

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Student Book – eBook


Reading Shelf 1 Student Book with Audio Answer Keys


Word Quiz



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