unit 5

Grade 1 Short Stories Comprehension – The Kite – Short Stories Comprehension. Easy short stories with comprehension for first graders. Free eBooks/Flipbooks and PDFs

The Kite – Short Stories Comprehension

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The kite – Short Stories Comprehension

Grade 1, Unit 5

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill’s Treasures online resources are specifically designed to help teachers teach by providing engaging activities for students at all levels. These Online Teacher Resources offer content designed to help teachers save time and keep students motivated and focused.

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Content Objectives

Children will:

  • Learn about the concept of how things move.
  • Access prior knowledge and build background about how things move.
  • Explore and apply the concept of how things move and the different ways of getting from one place to another.

Language Objectives

Children will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of how things move.
  • Orally use words that describe how things move.
  • Extend oral vocabulary by speaking about things that become airborne.
  • Use key concept words [wind, wheel, kite; airborne, ascend].


Explain that children are going to learn about how things move:

  • What is wind.
  • What does wind move.
  • What things can become airborne.
  • What things can ascend.
  • What is a wheel.
  • What things have wheels.


Ask children: What do you see in the photo? (sailboat). How is the sailboat moving across the water? (wind). Ask children: Why is wind not a dependable way of moving things? (sometimes it’s too windy, or there’s not enough wind, or the wind isn’t strong enough to move really heavy and big objects, hard to control). Say: The wind is the air that moves all around us. Wind can move many things such as leaves, a kite, and sometimes if it’s really windy, it moves us as well. Scientists are trying to move things using wind power but wind is tricky since it isn’t predictable. Sometimes the wind is too strong such as in a hurricane where it can destroy homes. Sometimes the wind is light, such as a gentle breeze. When have you enjoyed the wind? When have you not liked the wind? (answers will vary).


Have children play the games that follow. Have them discuss with their partner the different topics that appear during the Talk About It feature. After the first game, ask children to talk about why the things that have wheels have more than one wheel. After the second game, have them discuss the different things that they can actually use everyday to get around the city.


Ask children: How do you move around? Say: We move around with our legs or in wheelchairs. We can run, skip, bike, or walk to where we have to go or we can get into a car, taxi, bus, plane, carriage, boat, or train. All these things are moved by wind or with wheels. However, a plane is the only one which can become airborne and ascend. Think of other ways that you can travel by air without a plane or helicopter.


The Kite – Short Stories Comprehension

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The Kite

Toys that fly


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