How to Teach All Year Round Like a Pro. This is a 71-page, 3-column PDF e-book filled with seasonal and holiday lesson plans that include fun, culturally appropriate ideas for all levels.

How to Teach All Year Round Like a Pro

How to Teach All Year Round Like a Pro

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This is a 71-page, 3-column PDF e-book filled with seasonal and holiday lesson plans that include fun, culturally appropriate ideas for all levels.

  • 65 lessons for every season, including popular and surprising holidays
  • 365 step-by-step instructions for seasonal lessons and activities
  • 215 tips to help you through lessons for fall and winter
  • 150 more tips to teach perfect lessons on spring and summer

Several special lessons to choose from – for every season!

Do you know one of the best ways to help language learners integrate the skills that they’re learning? Give them a day planned just for a “fun” activity! Every season offers plenty of opportunities for you to plan special holiday lessons where your ESL students can work on their creativity, writing, vocabulary, speaking, and more. Knowing that a special lesson is coming, especially in the middle of a tough grammar or verb tense unit, can give students something to look forward to, while also teaching them about English speaking cultures!

Thinking beyond the basic holiday lessons

Seasonal and holiday lessons are important for the same reason that you should be using skits and role playing in your classroom: students understand what they’re learning more easily when they see it in context. Skits can help students get a grasp on difficult verb tense and grammar. Suddenly, the things they’re learning seem like they might have the benefit of helping your students enjoy a party or a cultural celebration and even make new friends! Holidays and seasonal celebrations make sense in a way that they couldn’t in a textbook.

When we say year-round, that’s what we mean. This book contains lessons for most major English speaking holidays, but there are also holiday ideas for every month of the year, like lessons for Grandparents’ Day in September and National Hobby Month in January. If that’s not enough, we go a step beyond and make sure there are plenty of activities that are appropriate for every season when you need an activity that might integrate learning terms for weather changes, temperatures, clothing, or travel.

How to Teach All Year Round Like a Pro


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