Grade 2 Short Stories Comprehension – Cool Jobs – Short Stories Comprehension. Easy short stories with comprehension for first graders. Free eBooks/Flipbooks and PDFs
Cool Jobs – Short Stories Comprehension
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Sand Castle – Short Stories Comprehension
Grade 1, Unit 6
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill’s Treasures online resources are specifically designed to help teachers teach by providing engaging activities for students at all levels. These Online Teacher Resources offer content designed to help teachers save time and keep students motivated and focused.
At work
Content Objectives
Children will:
- Learn about the concept of work.
- Access prior knowledge and build background about jobs and professions.
- Explore and apply the concept of work and examples of jobs and professions.
Language Objectives
Children will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of work.
- Orally use words that describe various kinds of work that people can do.
- Extend oral vocabulary by speaking about different kinds of jobs and professions.
- Use key concept words [equipment, interesting, jobs, profession, tools].
Explain that children are going to learn about the various kinds of work people can do:
- People at work.
- Different kinds of work people do.
- Peoples’ jobs and professions.
Ask children: What do you see in this picture? (a clown). Ask children: Some people work as clowns. Can you think of other things that people do when they go to work? (answers will vary). Say: There are many kinds of work that people can do. In this activity we’re going to learn about different kinds of jobs and professions. What job or profession would you like? (answers will vary).
Play the games that follow. Have them discuss with their partner the different topics that appear during the Talk About It feature. After the first game, ask children to talk about some equipment that people in their families use when they are working. After the second game, have them discuss different examples of jobs and what kind of work people do when they do those jobs.
Ask children: What kind of work do your family performs do? (answers will vary). Say: Different people do different kinds of work. There are many interesting jobs and professions that you can do when you grow up. As we learn about work that people do, think about what you need to know for those jobs or professions.