What would you do if

English ESL Conversation: What would you do if. A Board Game to make short conversations in the conditional, to practice speaking skills and improve the vocabulary.

English ESL Conversation: What would you do if

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What would you do if

English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes.

The board games offer interactive English language practice in a learner-centered, low-stress environment.

A great way to improve your speaking skills is to play English board games. Not only are board games fun, they also require you to interact with others who can challenge your knowledge and help you improve, especially if you play against opponents who are more proficient than you.

What would you do if


  1. Hand out the main sheet and place it on the table
  2. Explain to the students how to play.

Each box corresponds to one question. Each student has roll a dice and move a piece. 

Ask the students to use the sentence in the square to ask and answer a question using the “would- form”.

If the answer is correct, when it is their turn, they can go on playing, if not they have to skip one turn.

The student who first finishes the iter from “FINISH to START” is the winner

Thank the students for coming to the lesson.   

All downloads are in PDF format

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