the simple past

English ESL Worksheet – The Simple Past: a free printable worksheet on the English simple past with grammar rules and exercises 

English ESL Worksheet – The Simple Past

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This lesson can be used on all ages of elementary to intermediate students.


The aim of this lesson is to teach students how to use the the simple past in English


First print the activity sheet. Photocopy one activity sheet for each student in the class.


After going through your regular review and teacher talk.  Tell the students that you’re going to learn and practice the use of the simple past in English. 


Go through the grammar and the exercises together.

Wrap Up

Ask the students if they have any doubts.

Thank them for coming to the lesson.


Language Advisor

Online games

This website offers an online game on the past tense

This game is for practicing past tense English verbs. It is intended to be used by ESL (English as a second language) students, to review past participles. The aim of this game is not to explain or communicate the concept of past tense, rather it is just to practice using past tense. The concept of past tense is difficult to illustrate visually and really is better explained by a teacher in a classroom. And so, this game is really just intended as a tool to practice verbs and sentences in past tense. The language used is quite basic, but I think it covers almost all of the basic past tense verb forms (regular and irregular) and a few more difficult ones.

This website offers past tense grammar games

This website offers ESL Games for Student Practice and Classroom Teaching and Interactive Practice.

Wordwall games

Take a look at more role-plays here!

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