Project Skills What are they doing

Project Skills: What are they doing? A complete lesson plan on project skills with free printable PDF, and Free Powerpoint

Project Skills: What are they doing?

Project Skills

TimeLesson Content + ActivitiesResources
Materials: Powerpoint, markers (large/small), laptop, coursebook, projector, projector remote, video, video handout, A3/A4 paper, markers, feedback forms.
1st Half – 2:30 to 3:30 = Project Skills & Outline
10 minutesWarmer:  Name 3 things: Points for each thing the other teams don’t have.Powerpoint
10 minutesLead-in: Brainstorm: Images: What are they doing? What was the best/worst presentation you’ve ever given? What was good/bad about it?Powerpoint 
15 minutesPresentation Practice GameSs will speak for one minute on any topic (two teams)Practice eye contact, body language and speaking clearlyTeams lose points and players swap if they make a mistakeKeep going until all Ss have practiced.Powerpoint
10 minutesProject Outline: Assign groups, outline expectations for project: poster, role-play, powerpoint, etc. T to give functional language.Powerpoint
2nd Half – 3:45 – 4:30 =  Project, presentation and feedback.
30 minsProject WorkSs to work on projectT to monitor and assist as neededPowerpoint
MarkersA3/A4 paper
Pens, markers, etc
15 minutesPresentations & FeedbackT to briefly give tips on how to give constructive feedbackGroups to present and receive verbal FB in betweenPowerpoint
Feedback forms
If spare times: taboo, boggle, etc.

Power Point: What are they doing?

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