The Snowman. Snowman Spectacle: Engaging Activities for Junior Classes with free PDF Worksheet
The Snowman

Activity Breakdown:
- Draw and Describe: Draw a snowman on the board and elicit vocabulary from students. Be prepared for a possible ‘Olaf’ reference!
- Picture Puzzle: Pre-cut worksheet pictures for each pair of students. Students describe the pictures to their partners, ordering them while watching the Snowman.
- Present Continuous Practice: After watching, distribute worksheets for students to write sentences about what they observed, practicing the present continuous tense. Monitor and provide error correction as needed.
- Event Brainstorm: Gather in a semi-circle and collectively brainstorm what happened in the film. Have students put events in chronological order.
- Comic Creation: Select the six most crucial events and guide students in creating a comic strip. Emphasize writing before drawing, with sentences accompanying each picture. Begin with an example of the first square to set the tone for the activity.

Experience the joy of learning as you explore the enchanting world with your Junior classes

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