Welcome Class!! A powerpoint for the first day of class to Get to know each other and establish rules with a free Downloadable Power Point and Free Lesson Plan
Welcome Class!!

Welcome Class!!
Aims:Â Get to know each other/form rapor/establish rules
Project Skills – What makes a good project/presentation?
Part 1 – (1 hour)
Warmer – name 5 things that… (pair work with whiteboards) (15mins)
Introductions – In circle, students say their name and 1 interesting thing about themselves (most of them know each other, but there are some new students) (5mins)
Half Minute Topics Boardgame (reward intermediate) – In groups of 3 or 4 students play – need dice and counters (20mins)
Student Survey – Give students ‘Student Survey’ sheet. Get them to complete and hand back to me. (10mins) – can complete this during break if there is no time
Extra time –
Part 2 – 45 mins
Dictogloss (p52/53) – Book Covers
1. People vary greatly in the way they look and in their
personality. 2. We often think we can’t tell someone’s personality from the way they look. 3. For example, we may expect a thin person to be quiet or shy while we may expect a fat person to be jolly and friendly. 4. We should remember, however, that we can’t judge a book by its cover, and we can’t judge a person by their appearance.
Part 3 – Project Skills – 45 mins
Assign groups and Sign up to ILA connect (20mins)
Lead in → Show video of how to give a good presentation. (4mins)
Brainstorm → In groups of 3 or 4, students brainstorm what makes a good presentation, and what makes a bad presentation. Can write their ideas on the wall. (10mins)
Feedback Get other groups to walk around and look at each others ideas (5mins)
Group Feedback. What were the best ideas. (5mins)

Power Point: English Revision on Future Tenses