Grade 2 Short Stories Comprehension – David’s New Friends – Short Stories Comprehension. Easy short stories with comprehension for Second graders. Free eBooks/Flipbooks and PDFs
David’s New Friends – Short Stories Comprehension
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David’s New Friends – Short Stories Comprehension
Grade 2, Unit 1
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill’s Treasures online resources are specifically designed to help teachers teach by providing engaging activities for students at all levels. These Online Teacher Resources offer content designed to help teachers save time and keep students motivated and focused.
School days
Content Objectives
Children will:
- Learn about the concept of going to school.
- Access prior knowledge and build background about how they have felt on the first day of school.
- Explore and apply the concept of what stays the same every year at school and what feels different from previous school years.
Language Objectives
Children will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of school days.
- Orally use words that describe tools they use during a school day.
- Extend oral vocabulary by speaking about what is the same and what is different from their last school year.
- Use key concept words [classroom, teacher, books, pencils, different]
Explain that children are going to learn about school days:
- What tools we use in school.
- What is different when you start a new school year.
- What stays the same when you start a new school year.
Ask children: What does a teacher do? (helps you learn). What are some things you learn from a teacher? (reading, math, science, social studies, etc.) Ask children: Look around our classroom. What do you see that helps you learn? (books, rulers, crayons, calendars, etc.) Say: When we start a new school year, there are things that change and things that stay the same. How are the tools on your desk the same as last year? (same tools for writing; same tools for measuring) How are they different? (longer books; calculator; etc.)
Have children play the games that follow. Have them discuss with their partner the different topics that appear during the Talk About It feature. After the first game, ask children to talk about tools that help them learn at school. After the second game, have them discuss their favorite subject in school.
Ask children: What is different about this school year? Explain. Summarize for children that we go to school to learn. A teacher helps us learn. We also use tools to help us learn. Some tools we use are books, pencils, notebooks, and rulers. Encourage children to think about how different tools help them learn at school.