My Dream Job. A lesson plan with a free downloadable PDF, Power Point and free Video to improve listening and speaking skills
My Dream Job
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Watch the video and answer the following questions
What is your dream job is and why?
● Word scramble with different jobs (vocab). Students walk around the classroom to different scrambled words and unscramble/guess them based on the accompanying image. They write the words in a square on their paper to create their own bingo grid.
Then, play bingo with jobs using sentences that describe the job. Ss take turns drawing the descriptive sentences (TL) from the jar, reading them aloud.
● Matching game: papers on the floor with sentences starts and a picture (doctor, teacher, etc)
○ I want a job that lets me/I want a job that is/I want to be/I’d like to work/
● Sentence enders with adjective/infinitive phrase/a noun/as a noun
I want a job that lets me help people.
I want a job + that + lets me + infinitive
I want a job that is fun.
I want a job + that + is + adjective.
I want to be a doctor.
I want to + be + a doctor.
I’d like to work as a doctor.
I’d like to + work + as + a doctor.

My Dream Job
All downloads are in PDF format