Presentation Skills Stairway To Nowhere

Presentation Skills: Stairway To Nowhere. A complete lesson plan on how to make a presentation with free printable PDF, and Free Powerpoint

Presentation Skills: Stairway To Nowhere

Why are Presentation Skills Important?

Presentation skills are vital in both academic and professional settings. Whether you’re a student presenting a project, a professional pitching an idea, or a job seeker in an interview, your ability to convey information clearly and persuasively can make a significant difference. Here’s why mastering presentation skills is crucial:

  1. Effective Communication: Presentation skills are all about conveying your message in a way that is easily understood and memorable. Effective communication is at the core of every successful presentation.
  2. Professional Growth: In the workplace, the ability to present ideas, reports, and proposals can accelerate your career. Employers value employees who can confidently and convincingly share their insights and findings.
  3. Confidence Boost: Overcoming the fear of public speaking can boost your self-confidence in various aspects of life. It can help you feel more at ease in social situations and enhance your overall self-esteem.

Tips for Improving Your Presentation Skills

  1. Know Your Audience: Tailor your presentation to your audience’s needs and expectations. Understanding their background, interests, and level of expertise will help you connect with them effectively.
  2. Structure Your Content: Organize your content logically with a clear introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Use bullet points or visuals to emphasize key information.
  3. Practice, Practice, Practice: Rehearse your presentation multiple times. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or present to a trusted friend or family member. This will help you refine your delivery and boost your confidence.
  4. Visual Aids: Use visuals sparingly and ensure they enhance your message rather than distract from it. Well-designed slides or props can help convey complex information.
  5. Engage Your Audience: Encourage interaction through questions, polls, or anecdotes. Engaged audiences are more likely to remember and connect with your message.
  6. Body Language: Pay attention to your body language. Maintain good posture, make eye contact, and use gestures to emphasize key points. Avoid nervous habits like fidgeting.
  7. Voice Control: Vary your tone, pitch, and pace to keep your audience engaged. Speak clearly and avoid speaking too fast or too softly.
  8. Manage Nervousness: It’s normal to feel nervous. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing before your presentation. Remember, a little nervousness can be a good thing—it keeps you alert and focused.
  9. Feedback: Seek feedback from peers or mentors. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.
  10. Record Yourself: Record your presentations to review your performance objectively. This can be a powerful tool for self-assessment and improvement.

Remember that presentation skills are developed over time, so be patient with yourself as you work on them. With dedication and practice, you can become a confident and effective presenter, opening doors to numerous opportunities in your academic and professional life. So, step out of your comfort zone, embrace the challenge, and let your presentation skills shine!

Presentation Skills: Stairway To Nowhere

TimeLesson Content + ActivitiesResources
Materials: Powerpoint, markers (large/small), laptop, coursebook, projector, projector remote, Stairway to Nowhere (student materials, audio files, teaching materials), pencil, RWBs, dictogloss, erasers, A3/A4 paper, blank paper, pens, crayons, scissors, glue.
1st Half – 2:30 to 3:30 = Listening
10 minutesWarmer:  Change chairs: If you have/if you want/if you can/etcPowerpoint
10 minutesLead-in: Ss will be told that they will listen to a woman talk about a picture and must draw their predictions based on the title. Discuss with a partner.PowerpointSTN Pg 1
15 minutesLISTENING1st: Gist: Listen and discuss questions.  2nd: Gap-fill: Ss to complete worksheet. Can listen 3rd time if needed.Feedback: Class to go throw answersPost Ss to work in groups and redraw the picture using the transcriptFeedback: T to reveal the original image and get feedback – what do you think of this picture? Why did she take it? PowerpointMarkersSTN Pg 2&3STN TranscriptSTN Audio filePencils
25 minutesDICTOGLOSST to read a similar text of about six linesGist: Ss to listen without writing Specific: Ss to note key words. Elicit key words (e.g. nouns, verbs, etc)Post: Groups to piece together the original story using own notes and write on RWBs once they are done – must dictate to each other. Groups to swap and correct any errors (e.g. grammar, etc). Feedback: T to hand out original story and have Ss check how close they were to the original. Points given for correct structure, vocab, etc. Group with the most points at the end is the winner. PowerpointDictoglossBlank paperRWBsMarkers – red, blue, black. Erasers
2nd Half – 3:45 – 4:30 =  PRODUCTION
30 minsDay-trips/unexpected eventsLead-in: Brainstorm day trips and things that happened (pos/neg)Pairwork: Pairs to create an image and short story (10 sentences) about their chosen day trip. T to monitor and assist as needed. PowerpointMarkersA3/A4 paperPens, markers, etc
15 minutesDictation (written and drawing)Pairs to join with another group and dictate their storyListening pair to write down keywords. Pairs to then draw the image they think the other pair has drawnCompare and get group feedbackSwap pairs and repeat if time.PowerpointMarkersBlank paper

Day Trip

Last Saturday, I was walking through the Botanical Gardens with my five pet rabbits. It was a sunny day, the air was fresh and the trees were bright and green. Suddenly, a group of angry gorillas jumped out of the trees and started to chase my pet rabbits. They threw balloons filled with orange soda at us. My rabbits hopped over the fence and I was cornered by the gorillas. I started to sing a song to them. The gorillas were falling asleep while I sang. Then I hopped over the fence and ran all the way home.

Last Saturday, I was walking through the Botanical Gardens with my five pet rabbits. It was a sunny day, the air was fresh and the trees were bright and green. Suddenly, a group of angry gorillas jumped out of the trees and started to chase my pet rabbits. They threw balloons filled with orange soda at us. My rabbits hopped over the fence and I was cornered by the gorillas. I started to sing a song to them. The gorillas were falling asleep while I sang. Then I hopped over the fence and ran all the way home.

Power Point: Stairway To Nowhere

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